Saturday 11 December 2021

The PLAN for Earth rescue, incoming POLAR SHIFT & EVACUATION




ALL info below is PUBLICLY transmitted through the


With HUNDREDS of postings on this very topic

The CODED short msgs are not for public but for Resistance Movement members…


One needs to carefully read and re read this information and related links to better grasp the MAGNITUDE of it…



WE ARE YEARS LATE with planetary liberation…if not decades

That’s why, between 2022-2025 things will speed up at a crazy pace…



So WHO are the Resistance Movement?



WHY is THE below information VITAL right now?

Because by informing and preparing ourselves for what’s coming SOON

We start to EMIT VERY DIFFERENT energies comparing to the ongoing bad movie…

For which too many have fallen, including ourselves…inevitably


We know that thoughts have MANIFESTATION power and the LAST thing to do is for US to CONTINUE to FEED the negatives’ power and prolong our misery…

HAVING THE BIG BIG picture of what’s coming will help us a lot to SHIFT our perception and vision…



Cabal KNOWS about the incoming POLAR SHIFT

Their MANY underground bases and bunkers will NOT shield them…

Military also KNOWS…

Links below…



An UPDATED post about the NEW details re EARTH EVACUATION and related details will be shared on the Resistance Movement blog, sometimes in 2022… 


The below information is not meant to make us panic but to re enforce

What we ALREADY KNOW deep within our souls

That we are HERE, NOW for a VERY special mission and EARTH will be liberated THROUGH

A multi dimensional PARTNERSHIP…


And to also help us navigate these VERY LAST stages of the CURRENT reality with no more fear and anxiety…

The PLAN for Earth rescue


Now it is time to release certain intel that might be shocking to some, but deep inside you already knew it.


At a certain point after the Event, there will be a physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis, which will be triggered by our Sun becoming a micronova / T-Tauri star, being triggered by the activity of the Cosmic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun:

The triggered Sun will then emit a huge plasma wave that will create the crustal displacement, rotational axis will shift and create a tsunami wave about 1 mile high:

This mile high tsunami wave will effectively purge from the surface of the planet all impurities that still need to be purged. Needless to say, all Islands of Light and all Areas of Light will be completely unafftected by the tsunami wave, as they will be protected with advanced technologies given to us by positive races after the Event.


As all this will only happen a few years after the Event, there is nothing to fear.


Similar solar plasma event, but smaller in magnificence and without the physical axis shift, has happened one half of the precessional cycle, or 12,900 years ago:

The Cabal is understandably nervous, as they know they have nowhere to hide, and this is why they have developed various secret space programs, in vain hopes that they will escape this.


They have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift.

The coming polar shift is one of their main secrets they are trying to hide. But the truth is coming out, and the magnetic flip which is a precursor to the physical axis shift, is already happening:


The real reason why the dark forces are so much in a hurry to force their Great Reset is because they are afraid of the polar shift:

I will release intel about the coming polar shift and the updated Ascension Plan as soon as I receive clearance to do so.

Victory of the Light!


The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity.


At that moment, the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are Islands of Light, which are populated by advanced star beings, many of them being YOU. Then, the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth.


Now that you have more understanding of the overall plan, it can safely be released that the Light Forces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan, which can accept 3 billion people. A similar, but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe, and another one at a certain location in South America, with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options.

For anyone still interested to access some of the most incredible insight into the origins of our enslavement and the reasons why this planet is still under cosmic quarantine and we are not freed YET, here is a very helpful compilation of the main articles from the only communication station for planetary liberation through RESISTANCE MOVEMENT and GALACTIC CONFEDERATION

ResistanceMovement interview excerpts

I’ve copied some parts of the interview below but ALL of it is really good!!




The AUDIO quality is poor


TRANSCRIPT is much better 


Debra: Let's now move on to talking a little bit about the Galactic situation. You said in a recent post, how the Light Forces are creating a Dyson Sphere around the sun and around the Earth in order to temper the strength of the Galactic pulse that will come from the Galactic Central Sun in the near future (and we love those words “in the near future”). We are looking at this as good news, that this is for preparation for the powerful, incoming Galactic energies of the Event. And the question is, are these Dyson spheres needed so that we don't end up like Atlantis? Were they used when the pulse hit the Earth at the time of Atlantis? And have they been used on other planets that went through what we're about to go through?

Cobra: Those Dyson Spheres are used regularly when a planet goes through a phase transition like this. Every time the sun goes Mininova and when the conditions are correct, the planets with inhabited life are protected against excess radiation because strong solar pulses always create so much radiation that it might not be so easy to survive it. So this Dyson Sphere will filter out certain frequencies. It will regulate certain frequencies so that whatever we go through, we survive the process intact.

Debra: Can you give us any insight into the technology that will create these spheres and will they be visible to us in any way?

Cobra: Actually, they are not spheres, they are just called spheres. This is actually certain huge motherships put into certain sacred geometry position around the Earth and around the sun that create a quantum force field that filters out frequencies. They will be cloaked. They will not be visible. (I see, okay.) They might be visible at the moment of the polar shift and the final evacuation, but not before.



Debra: Okay, good. Are you able to give us an update on the progress of the toplet bombs? Are they still the greatest obstacles to the Event?

Cobra: Yes. They are still the greatest obstacles. Yes.

Debra: Has there been any progress made on this?

Cobra: There is progress ongoing, but this is a very tough subject. I mean, it's really, this has been really tough clearing those toplet bombs. It's a challenge, but there's progress being made.



And then we have the Light Forces clearing the exotic technologies, and they cannot intervene directly before the threat of exotic technologies is removed. So this is the situation now We have much power in our hands to make the rest of this journey easier.




Debra: Okay. Can you at least tell us, since it's almost 2022 and the Event has not yet happened, does the Ascension window still close in July of 2025?

Cobra: Actually it closes in August 2025, but yeah, this is the time when the portal closes.



Debra: Okay. So we do know that things need to happen before that. Okay. Thank you for sharing that. So Lightworkers have had to endure much suffering while being here in 3D, often being denied financial resources, healthy bodies, ideal relationships, and many of the joys of living a life of freedom here on Earth. We know that all of that will change for us after the Event, but will there be time after the Event to enjoy our new 3D world before ascending into 5D? In the original Ascension Plan that you gave us, you said it was about one to two years between the breakthrough and the start of the First Wave. So people are wondering, will we be able to enjoy the benefits that the Event brings while we are still here in 3D Earth?

Cobra: The plan is that everybody will be able to enjoy enough time in a physical reality before the Ascension to integrate whatever they need to integrate. I will not give any timing right now for obvious reasons, but I would say that it's part of the growth process for everybody to have a joyful physical life for a certain amount of time that is necessary before the Ascension.




Terry: The next question. How can the Event Flash magnitude be compared to X1 Solar flare that's happened on October 29th which was quite strong according to NOAA Space Weather Scale? And would it be possible to gauge how many times more than the Carrington solar flare Event in 1859 for example?

Cobra: I would expect this to be a few times more powerful than the Carrington event in 1859.



Terry: I see just few times more. Okay.

Cobra: Yes, but it must not be too strong. We have to survive this. So this initial Event flare will not be catastrophic. It'll be just a pulse that will initiate the process of planetary transformation. So it's not going to be destructive.



Patrick: Okay. Roger. Next one. What is the relationship between the Light Forces, the Resistance Movement and the so-called the Earth Alliance?

Cobra: Okay. The Light Forces is the term that encompasses all different factions that are working for the Light. Resistance movement, I have been speaking about so many times I will not repeat. And the Earth Alliance are people on the surface of the planet that are working towards the liberation.


Patrick: Okay. So next question. Is it possible that liberation to the Planet Earth occurs even if there would not be the Event flash, or the Event flash is mandatory to cause the liberation to take place?

Cobra: The Event flash is part of the process. It's organic part of the process, and I cannot imagine liberation happening without it.


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